..is spent getting through Mondays.
Normally Monday isn't a big deal for me anymore, but I both ate out last night and had adventures with tequila, so today did feel like Monday. As usual with the day after a drunk I was hungry all day; normally I have a very late supper but today I was hours ahead of schedule, I just wanted to eat and eat.
I stayed OP and I'm feeling better now, I'm just hoping I don't feel hungry again before bed because I have no points left. I don't get hangovers, I just get ravenous the next day. And I will often feel lethargic, as I have today.
I've felt tired and lazy and didn't do any exercise, but that was partially because of the heat and because I was absolutely wiped yesterday during my river walk. I did my workout first then did the walk right afterward and at first I was fine but halfway through I was wishing some bicyclist would run me over and put me out of my misery.
The worst was that my body suddenly became intensely demanding in terms of wanting to be fed. I could almost hear it yelling at me "Feed me, Bitch!" I tried silently reasoning with it that food would come later, when I got home and cleaned up, but it refused to listen. I then silently willed it to chow down on some fat stores while I finished my walk, but instead I think it started eating my lung tissue, because I started getting very achy. I think it also helped itself to some grey matter, as my brain ceased working properly and I lost my ability to think clearly. I no longer felt like I was walking, felt a lot more like trudging. And as I trudged I told myself that I need to be more careful about the timing of my meals when I'm exercising. I also decided I might take the day off today and recuperate, a decision that was solidified after the night's eventual activities. Right now I'm just looking forward to sleep!
Ha ha! Dear lord, yesterday was brutal.
Today just as bad, because I thought it was Monday all day. Finally around 2 my boss said to me, you do realize this is Tuesday right?
Oh dear, sounds like a miserable walk!
Any chance you're letting yourself get dehydrated? Tequila is sneaky that way!
Good for you for exercising anyway, and hope you feel better by now!
CDB- LOL...that made me laugh, just because I know exactly what you mean :)
Crabby- Incidentally the Tequila came AFTER the miserable walk, but I was also having concerns about hydration. I've been putting more focus on getting extra water, and I have been feeling better, thank you! :)
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